Dean said this dish took him back to Italy it was that good! I must say its one of the best pasta dishes we’ve made and (without trying to sound big-headed!) I could have been sat in a restaurant I was that impressed with it.
Sometimes the best dishes come together without too much thought. In this case, we had some salmon and prawns in the freezer that needed using up and my cupboard was overflowing with pasta so I just decided to bring it all together with a simple creamy sauce. Hey presto – creamy linguine with salmon and prawns!
🦀 Like seafood pasta dishes? Try this Crab, Crayfish and Prawn (Shrimp) Lasagne recipe! 🦀
Generally though we tend to plan our meals in the week now, I probably get this from my mum as when I was a child she used to do the same! All my friends thought it was hilarious I knew what I was having for dinner every night. As I got older and started going out with friends I would have to get super organised as if she was cooking my favourite meal I would really mess her plans up. We still like to eat out once in a while at different seafood restaurants like
I’m not so bad if we get invited out or plans change we either have it a day later or it will go in the freezer. I find it best to plan three or four days in advance and now having the blog I have to be organised to know what I’m cooking!
This dish was surprisingly good for a quick fix – it’s super fast and very easy to do. That’s the key with Italian food I’ve discovered, keep it simple and let the ingredients do the talking!
If you’re not a fan of seafood then you could always replace with chicken and use tarragon instead of dill. Get creative with your food – just adding a few herbs here and there will give your food some much more flavour!
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