Firstly, Happy New Year to you all! 😊 Secondly, my apologies for posting less recipes over the past month, life has been a little hectic to say the least! We moved into our new home just 3 weeks before Christmas and had quite a lot to do to get ourselves organised for the festive period. It’s not what we’d planned and a bit stressful at times, but we got there in the end!
We hosted for Dean’s family on Christmas Day and I’m pleased to say that everyone cleared their plates! 😂 They all told us they really enjoyed it after so I think it was a winner! We did lots of cooking for friends and my family also, and have some great new recipes for 2017. 😋 We’ve got loads of exciting things planned for Globe Scoffers this year and I’m so excited – I really cant wait to share them with you! So watch this space 😉
Now that we’ve moved house I’m very lucky to have a fantastic new (and very BIG) kitchen! It’s great and has so much workspace (which means lots more to clean but I’m keeping on top of that). We were also left a butcher’s block from the previous owners which I absolutely love! Its great for chopping, storing vegetables and it’s even got a wine rack 🙈
Today I decided to take my photos on there too, which has given me another option and variety to my photos. One good thing about having a bigger kitchen is that I get my dining room back, as at the old house that’s where I took all my photos. I’m also excited that I’m going to have my own office soon, but there’s still a bit of work to be done on that.
I’m sure that we all overindulged during the Christmas period – if you’re anything like Dean and I that is! I find January such a hard month as you still have so much chocolate, cheese, biscuits and other delightful food to eat and I hate waste! I try to be as good as I can but can’t resist a little bit of chocolate here and there.
We did have a complete cheese fest at Christmas, I’ve never seen so much cheese in my fridge! I sorted it all out into dates so that we can save it for a little later in the month. This is where my recipe is comes in. Leftover stilton from Christmas? Check. Bags of unopened nuts? Yep. Let’s combine it with lots of healthy broccoli and make a delicious, warming soup!

This lovely, velvet smooth soup has bags of flavour and is a great for that post-Christmas period where you want to be a bit more healthy for lunch. It makes a big batch so it will last you for a few days, or you can freeze what you don’t use. If you’re not a fan of stilton cheese that’s fine, maybe add some ricotta or other leftover cheeses, or just keep it plain. Give the soup a go, it really is simple to make and packed full of goodness!
Note: I used some cabbage in my soup as we had some leftovers from a roast I did the night before, this is optional if you wish to use it.

Broccoli and Stilton Soup with Walnuts
- 900 g broccoli chopped, stalks included
- 40 g cabbage optional (we had leftover from a roast)
- 1 large onion chopped
- 2 cloves of garlic crushed
- 1 tbsp butter
- 500 ml fresh chicken stock
- 500 ml fresh vegetable stock
- 300 ml water
- 1 1/4 tsp salt
- 90 g sillton cheese
- 8 walnuts broken up into pieces
- Melt the butter into a large saucepan on a medium heat. Then add the onions and cook until soft. Add the garlic and cook for a minute or two.
- Add all the broccoli into the saucepan and pour in half of the chicken stock. Turn the heat down and pour over some of the water on to the top of the broccoli. Cover and turn the heat down, let it cook for about 15 minutes or until the broccoli has steamed and is soft.
- Take your soup off the heat then add the rest of your chicken stock. Using a hand blender whizz everything up. Your mixture will be a little thick now so add the vegetable stock and the rest of the water and blend again until smooth.
- Add the salt and season with black pepper. Put back on a low heat and add most of the cheese, leaving some to sprinkle on the top on your soup along with the crushed walnuts.
- Keep stirring until the cheese had melted in. Serve in a bowl and enjoy with bread.
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